Craig Stubbs-Race

I believe that an artist should be aware of any ethics surrounding a topic or concept they are covering, even if they choose to be insensitive.

Romon Yang

The ever-growing web of social media (particularly instagram) allows our generation to be consistently inspired by more than just modern or contemporary ideas. These ‘new’ ideas repetitively push me to create something better than the previous and to follow a path of consistent self-reflection, and as a result, self-improvement.

Amy Ge

“Your ethics aren’t always everyone’s, and while you may not be able to change everyone’s minds, you can still live and practice the way you want to.”

Jacob Lumsdaine

“I think if artists were not conscious of the choices they are making in response to ethical decisions, they wouldn’t even be understanding their own works, thus are kind of missing the point of creating it in the first place.”

Nikki Farmer

We chat to Sydney creative Nikki Farmer about the importance of knowing where your products come from.

Leila Fri

Chatting to Sydney artist Leila Fri about the importance of empathy in art

sweatshops – the dark side of fashion

Ever wonder why that t-shirt you bought from H&M is so cheap? You have sweatshops to thank for that. It surprises people that there’s actually a very large number of slaves in the world today-our best estimate is 27 million. And that is defining a slave in a very narrow way; we’re not talking about…

Marisa Suen

Sydney creative Marisa Suen chats to us about her art practice and the dark side of the fast fashion industry.


chatting with our girl MARTINAMARTIAN about ethical art practice